Should You Develop Your eCommerce Store Using Agile Methodology?
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Nowadays, there are more and more eCommerce stores. It’s really no surprise because the eCommerce industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. That being said, the global eCommerce sales are expected to reach $7.4 trillion by 2025.
Today, you can easily create an eCommerce store. You don’t even need to be tech-savvy. But ist that really the right approach? Think about how much control over their decisions online consumers have. They’ve seen pretty much everything there is to see by now. Therefore, your eCommerce store should be unique.
This is where Agile methodology can really help out. You can even use a QMS system to monitor how customers respond to your project. Even though Agile is primarily used for software development, its methodologies can be applied to pretty much everything. With that in mind, Let’s see how Agile can help you develop your eCommerce store.
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Early Market Access
Developing your eCommerce website using Agile project management is crucial to having early access to the online market. This is especially true due to the fact that the online market is very competitive these days. Getting your website launched as early as possible can be a significant competitive advantage.
As you may already know, Agile methodology focuses on developing working pieces of a product, not on launching the unfinished product as soon as possible. Therefore, your website may not be completely finished but it’s a working, functioning version of your website nonetheless.
What that means is that your eCommerce store is available to customers straight away. One of Agile practices is to collect feedback from users, or in this case customers, to make the necessary improvements.
That said, your eCommerce store can grow into something unique and something consumers actually desire based on the feedback they provide you with. And yes, your website will have issues from the start but you will be able to identify these issues early on, which gives you more than enough time to properly address them.
The Power of Feedback
One of the best things about Agile project management and software development is that it uses feedback from users or stakeholders throughout the project’s lifecycle. Feedback is used to improve products and implement additional features.
The same can be applied when developing your eCommerce website. Consumers prefer to be involved and they like when businesses or brands ask them for feedback. They tend to be very satisfied when those businesses or brands act upon provided feedback.
Since feedback is crucial for your eCommerce store development, Agile methodologies are ideal for this project.Moreover, your customers will be involved in your project from the very beginning and you’ll be building your store using their feedback.
This will not only ensure customer engagement but also their satisfaction as they’ll have a first-hand experience of their needs being turned into a reality. Later on, you’ll be able to leverage customer reviews and testimonials to promote your eCommerce store further.
Continuous Improvement
Many business owners fear sudden market shifts and new trends that may influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. When your store is built without using Agile project management, adapting to changes can be costly and very difficult.
Agile methodology embraces and welcomes changes, allowing project owners to adapt easily to these changes.
As you may already know, Agile project management involves using short time-boxed iterations, also known as sprints to create working increments of a product. When your product is your eCommerce store, adopting changes can be quite seamless.
As a result, you can continuously improve your store without being subjugated to any pressure resulting from changes or shifts in the market. Furthermore, you won’t be bothered by how the upcoming trends will affect consumer behavior. You can always revise and adjust anything to suit the needs of your customers.
Predictable Sustainability
One of the goals of using Agile practice is to make work as seamless as possible. In other words, it means working on a project that doesn’t require working overtime or putting more effort than necessary to achieve a specific goal.
What that means is that work is almost certainly quite sustainable. Using a framework, such as Scrum, for example, allows you to analyze and have clear insight into your assets and resources.
You can predict the performance and resources required for each sprint. This allows you to make the best of the resources you have at your disposal. There are many benefits to having such insight. For instance, you won’t have to oversee the project at all times.
You can enjoy your personal life while your team works on the new iteration. Furthermore, you won’t have to overspend or underspend to create a new feature or develop something new for your store. This helps you cut costs and expenses when you need it the most.
Closing Words
Agile methodology and practices don’t have to be used for software development only. Any project can be made more seamless with the help from Agile. That includes creating an eCommerce store from scratch and creating something your customer will love and enjoy.