Facebook continues to be the undisputed champ of social media. Even if we ignore the fact that it even owns Instagram and Whatsapp, it’s still huge on its own. It is still the top spot where friends connect and share online. More than just a gathering place for friends, Facebook has grown into a venue for businesses to plug themselves through interaction with customers and self-promotion.

In this post we’ll talk about several ways you can use Facebook Marketing to grow your business.

Whether you’re an enormous global corporation or a tiny little local business, Facebook can definitely help you because it’s a powerful marketing tool – it’s an excellent space to ke all your customers informed, develop your brand identity, and broaden your reach.

How to make the most of your Facebook business page

A Facebook page is one of the best free marketing tools available for businesses. A Facebook business page allows businesses to identify themselves. The identification isn’t carried out through just listing product offerings and services, but also by sharing links, images, and posts on a customizable page. These factors help your potential customers get a better sense of your business’s personality and character.

Your Facebook business page can help you develop your brand identity and add a human touch to your brand. Facebook is where you’ll loosen the tie a touch – don’t be afraid to be funny.

Ultimately you ought to consider what your key audience would want to ascertain. Share social media images, links, videos, anything, as long as they are connected to your business and look like something your audience would enjoy.

In addition to hilarious videos of dogs walking in tiny shoes, a store specializing in footwear may additionally post an informative and useful post with tips on how to measure your foot size. A nice mixture of humor, educational resources, and posts about your store updates is right.

Classic Ads through Facebook Advertising

Facebook offers its own sort of advertising with Facebook ads, which appear within the side columns of the Facebook site. These classic ads are mentioned more specifically as Marketplace Ads. They include a headline with copy, an image, and a click-through link to either a Facebook page, a Facebook app, or an outdoor website.


To increase your likes and drive your website clicks up, implement Facebook advertising into your Facebook marketing strategy.

Facebook advertising features include:

  • Demographic targeting based on data (provided by Facebook itself) on age, location, education, and interests.
  • The ability to set ad budgets.
  • Ad testing, during which multiple ad versions are often run simultaneously so as to match ad designs and setup.
  • Built-in ad performance measurement tools.

Facebook doesn’t release information about their ad CTRs, so it’s difficult to understand how successful Facebook ads really are. In our Facebook Ads vs Google Display Ads Infographic, research suggests that Facebook ads generally have a CTR of 0.051%, and an average CPC of $0.80; however, a business’s Facebook advertising cost can vary tons counting on the targeting options set and competition.

Using Facebook advertising to extend your “Likes” are often very beneficial – once a user likes your page, they essentially become followers of your business page, and your posts will appear on their Facebook news feed.

This results in more users interacting with you and your brand, forming relationships which will find yourself translating to conversions within the future.

Conduct Facebook Contests and Competition

Running Facebook contests, sweepstakes, or promotions is another Facebook marketing tactic which will increase fans and brand awareness.

When conducting a Facebook contest, remember that contests can’t be hosted through Facebook itself (meaning you can’t invite likes as entries, have people write answers within the comments, etc.). Businesses need to use third-party apps to create their Facebook contests. Users are supposed to be re-directed from Facebook post that.

Use Facebook’s feature of promoted posts

Facebook Promoted Posts let Facebook page owners pay a flat rate so as to possess their individual Facebook posts reach a particular number of users, increasing a specific post’s reach and impressions.

Some businesses tend to wonder why they need to pay for a user to see their post, especially when the user has liked their page already. This isn’t true for the simple reason that most users don’t spend every single waking moment on Facebook.

If a fan of yours happens to be looking at their news feed when you post your story, they’re likely to ascertain it, but even then there is no guarantee, especially when their newsfeed is flooded by numerous other posts. To solve that problem, Facebook offers the Promoted Posts. Promoted posts increase your chances to appear on a user’s newsfeed. Facebook Promoted Posts are shown to existing fans, with another choice to reach friends of fans.

Promoted Posts are easy to line up – just click the button beneath any of your page posts.

While the flat rate simplifies the method, Promoted Posts lack the targeting options offered by other Facebook ads.

Using sponsored stories on Facebook

Sponsored Stories are a kind of Facebook ad that shows a user’s interactions, like a Facebook like, to the user’s friends.

Sponsored Stories seeks to maximize the “word of mouth” marketing concept. If a user sees that three of his friends sort of a certain page, he’s more inclined to concentrate. Sponsored stories help users take a similar action to other people on their friend list. Advertisers can prefer to show friends “likes” if they need more page likes, show friends who have “claimed this offer” if a business wants more users to say offers, etc.

While the action performed by a lover liking a page or claiming a suggestion is automatically posted during a user’s news feed, these posts easily get overlooked. Sponsored Stories get preferred positioning, capable of appearing in news feeds and therefore the right side bar. Sponsored Stories are also the only ad format available on mobile devices.

Sponsored Stories don’t only apply to likes or offers – they will be used with any Facebook Open Graph app. If a lover has just installed Scramble With Friends on Facebook, Sponsored Stories can show users that their friend has just played the Scramble game, with an invite to “challenge them,” “play with them,” or any similar variation.

Facebook claims that Sponsored Stories have 46% higher CTRs and 20% lower CPCs than regular Facebook ads, making them a really serious strategy for marketing on Facebook.

Facebook Sponsored Stories are often created easily through the Facebook ad create flow. Open Graph Sponsored Stories which have a customized call to action, need advertisers to avail the services of a third party provider.

Use Facebook’s Open Graph option

Facebook Open Graph allows businesses to label a user’s action using their app. Billions of interactions are posted with Facebook Open Graph every single day.

Businesses can create third-party apps that hook up with a user and post a notice on Facebook when a user performs a selected action with the app. Facebook’s Open Graph allows for creative interactive options outside of the quality “like” and “comment.” Posts can suggest that users “listen,” “taste,” “read,” – it’s up to businesses to get creative.

Virtually any time a site or app prompts users to sign in to Facebook, it’s something to try to to with connecting the user with the Facebook Open Graph.

Open graph actions are generally more unique than the cluttered chaos of s general newsfeed  as a result of that. are unique enough to stand out from the cluttered craziness of a user’s news feed.

Famous Facebook games such as Farmville and Candy Crush utilize Facebook’s open graph actions to post notices to users when they complete a certain level in the game.

Open graph actions are being categorized as a replacement sort of consumer story, taking advantage of the word of mouth phenomenon. Open graph posts are more meaningful to users because they’re being generated by a well-known friend, not simply a brand, making them the latest and greatest of Facebook marketing tools.

Make good use of Facebook Exchange (FBX)

Facebook Exchange allows advertisers to take advantage of ad retargeting on Facebook with the help of real-time bidding. Advertisers can target audiences supported web history data. When a user visits a product page on a retailer’s website, but fails to form a sale, the retailer can utilize FBX to post an ad for that particular product in the user’s newsfeed.

While Facebook retargeting ads were only relegated to the side columns, recently these ads have been allowed to make their appearance in news feeds, the foremost valuable Facebook real-estate. This is great news for FBX advertisers, since response rates for news feed ads are 10 to 50 times above that of ad placements within the right column.